Sound values

Present time incorporates only the past and what exists in the results was contained at the causes. The fundamental principle we believe in, stresses that an effective investment process has to be testified in a long term horizon and grounded in solid values. What we consider as substantial dedication to our clients is that any deviations from the targeted returns will never have to do with declinations from our ethics. The results may vary, however our values remain stable.

Faith in human relationships

Our clients are partners of ours. People who trust us for managing their assets, have to trust the individual relationship with our manager on duty and this issue cannot be considered as a certain fact, since trust is being build through time and demands the necessary business sense and know-how.

Investing in human capital

We are constantly seeking for long term entrustment relations with our investors, that will be based on the following axiom:

The selection procedure of our executives and partners aims at the consolidation of the fact that our investment values are constantly satisfied. We expect our clients to be any time fully aware that our asset managers consider themselves as responsible for the drifts of their portfolios. For the professional ultimately, responsibility is one-way, in order to maintain the right to reap the fruits of exceptional results and the analogous reward.


From its origins, Attica Wealth Management focus at maximizing its results by the adopted investment management approach. More specifically:

  • We are seeking to achieve long term positive returns, within the soonest possible time-frame.
  • We are thoroughly check our investment management methodological frame, through a continuous and direct contact between the client and the asset manager, having as benchmark the optimal management of the risk-return relation.
  • Accomplishing the client’s individual objectives, is the milestone of our investment rationale.
  • We are mainly applying an open architecture policy by selecting the optimal investment product synthesis in global level.